Your Pathway to Higher Education
TEACH Early Childhood® Minnesota is a scholarship program that helps early childhood and school-age educators increase their levels of education, compensation, and commitment to the field by earning college credits and degrees. It is a national program licensed by TEACH Early Childhood® National Center located in North Carolina.
Scholarships cover most of the tuition and book fees for students pursuing a degree in child development or early childhood education. Scholarships can also be used to help pay for college credits while working toward a Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™. Interested in learning more about how much a TEACH Scholarship will cover? Use our TEACH Cost Calculator on the Forms and Resources tab to estimate the amount of assistance you could receive.

I am so excited to be graduating with my certificate in Early Childhood and I am proud to say I am continuing on in the Fall for my AAS degree. Taking these courses has done so much for me and the children I care for. I have learned an immense amount of information which is making me a better child care provider, but it has also given me something that is just for me, something to take pride in because I am so passionate about caring for children and I choose to work hard on my coursework. I am so thankful for all of it.
-Sara, Family Child Care Provider
TEACH allowed me to get my BA in early childhood, which gave me the confidence to talk to families about developmental concerns. I can talk with families confidently about their children during conferences and with that confidence comes respect from parents that I am more than just a “babysitter” or “daycare."
– Lynn, Child Care Center Teacher
It’s a great opportunity for the workforce and I’m motivated to share my expertise in a relational way and in a practical way that helps individuals, and the field grow.
-TEACH Mentor
I wanted to help teachers find their next step and find their passion and help them grow into their practice.
-TEACH Mentor
Early Childhood or School-Age Care Educator Scholarship
This scholarship is for educators working in child care programs or as a licensed family child care provider.
Scholarships Benefits
- Covers 85% of tuition and book fees for up to 18 semester credits per year
- $120 per semester travel/internet stipend
- Paid release/sub time
- $500 TEACH bonus and an additional bonus or raise from your employer
- Have a high school diploma or GED
- Be employed by a licensed or certified early childhood program, be a licensed family child care provider, be employed by a public prekindergarten program, be employed by a school-age care program exempt from licensing in Minnesota, or be a current Empower to Educate participant
- Be working at least 20 hours per week
- Be accepted into a Child Development or Early Childhood Education degree program or be pursuing college credits for a Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™ at an approved, accredited college or university in Minnesota
- Have a Develop Individual Membership
- Not currently receiving a REETAIN grant from Child Care Aware of Minnesota
- Must commit to staying with your current employer for one year after the scholarship ends
Early Childhood Achieve-Approved Trainer or Coach Scholarship
This scholarship is for Achieve-approved trainers and coaches. If you’re a trainer or coach, please contact a TEACH counselor at TEACH@childcareawaremn.org to learn more about eligibility requirements and how to apply.
We want to help you choose the right program for your educational goals. The list below includes two- and four-year Minnesota higher education institutions that offer Early Childhood Education or Child Development degree programs. All listed colleges and universities offer online classes unless otherwise noted.
Institutions Offering Associate Degrees
- Alexandria Technical and Community College
- Central Lakes College
- Concordia University
- Dakota County Technical College
- Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College
- Hennepin Technical College
- Leech Lake Tribal College
- Martin Luther College
- Minneapolis Community and Technical College (some classes offered in Spanish)
- Minnesota North College
- Minnesota State College Southeast
- Minnesota State Community and Technical College
- Minnesota West Community and Technical College
- Northland Community and Technical College
- Northwest Technical College
- Pine Technical & Community College
- Rasmussen College
- Ridgewater College
- Rochester Community and Technical College
- Saint Catherine University
- Saint Cloud Technical and Community College
- Saint Paul College
- South Central College
Institutions Offering Bachelor’s Degrees
- Concordia University
- Metropolitan State University (hybrid and in-person classes)
- Minnesota State University – Moorhead
- Rasmussen College
- Saint Cloud State University
- Southwest Minnesota State University
- Catherine University
- University of Minnesota – Twin Cities (in-person classes only)
- Winona State University
- Gather the following documents:
- A signed participation agreement (available in the Forms & Resources tab)
- A copy of a recent pay statement for program staff or a Schedule C tax form for family child care
- A copy of a financial aid award/denial letter or email, or FAFSA result
- College acceptance letter or current unofficial transcript
- A copy of your Develop Learning Record
- A signed W9 tax form
- Apply online
- Complete the and upload the above documents to your application
Once all application materials have been received, a TEACH counselor will contact you within 1-2 weeks to award or deny a scholarship. For more information, contact us at TEACH@childcareawaremn.org.
You can apply online at any time, but applications must be in by the following deadlines to have a specific semester covered by the scholarship:
Semester Application Deadlines | Quarter Application Deadlines |
Fall Semester: November 1 | Fall Quarter: November 1 |
Spring Semester: March 1 | Winter Quarter: February 1 |
Summer Semester: July 1 | Spring Quarter: May 1 |
Summer Quarter: August 1 |
View a recorded Recipient Information Session to learn more about applying for a TEACH Scholarship.
Participation Agreement Forms
Applicants are required to submit a signed participation agreement with their application documents. Choose the appropriate version below:
Family Child Care Provider Participation Agreement (PDF)
Center and School-Age Care Educator Participation Agreement (PDF)
Center Director Participation Agreement (PDF)
Recipient Forms
- Pre-Authorization Request Form
- Book Reimbursement Form
- Additional Credits Request Form
- Recipient Policies and Procedures Manual (PDF)
A quality program relies on quality teachers. One of the most significant indicators of quality child care is the educational level of child care providers. The TEACH scholarship program helps you assist your staff in achieving their professional development goals with credit-based education and helps to reduce staff turnover in your program.
When you sponsor a TEACH recipient, you commit to paying just 5% of the employee’s tuition and book fees, providing three hours of paid release time per week to the employee, and paying a raise or bonus to the employee at the completion of the contract.
For more information, review the Employer Policies and Procedures Manual or watch a recorded Sponsor Information Session. You can also contact a TEACH Counselor.
The TEACH Early Childhood® Minnesota Apprenticeship Program helps new early childhood educators expand their skills by combining a TEACH scholarship and on-the-job training with a peer mentor. Apprentices will earn an industry-recognized credential or degree and learn how to apply early childhood best practices in their program. Apprentices also earn a Minnesota Department of Labor certification at the end of approximately two years.
Apprenticeship includes financial support to employers, apprentices, and mentors to ensure time and resources for apprenticeship activities.
Apprentice Eligibility
- Work in a licensed or certified child care program or school-based prekindergarten program
- Work 30-40 hours per week with children ages 0-5
- Have no college degree or fewer than 20 college credits
- Have worked in the early childhood field for less than 5 years
- Interested in learning from a peer mentor through meetings and observations
- Willing to commit to staying with current employer for at least three years
Mentor Eligibility
- Works in the same center as the center apprentice,
- Is not in a supervisory role
- Has a college degree (bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education preferred)
- Has three or more years of experience in an early childhood classroom
- Interested in working with an apprentice for at least two years
- Willing to complete free, online mentor training
How To Participate
Employer, apprentice, and mentor candidates must submit an interest form. After submitting an interest form, an Apprenticeship Coordinator will reach out discuss your eligibility.
Next Steps
- Eligible candidates and employers are invited to an informational meeting with an Apprenticeship Coordinator
- The apprentice candidate submits a TEACH Scholarship Application and the mentor candidate is registered for training
- Apprenticeship activities begin at the start of the first semester after the mentor has completed training
Apprenticeship Descriptions
Apprenticeship Summary for Employers (PDF)
Apprenticeship Summary for Apprentices (PDF)
Apprenticeship Summary for Mentors (PDF)
For more information, contact us at Apprenticeship@childcareawaremn.org.