Financial Assistance for the CDA
CDA Awards help providers pay for the required training, application, and renewal of the nationally recognized Child Development Associate® (CDA) Credential™. Applications are accepted at any time.

CDA Application Fee Scholarship
The CDA Application Fee Scholarship is for anyone who has not yet applied to the Council for Professional Recognition for their initial CDA or renewal and meets eligibility requirements. This award is paid directly to The Council to cover a portion of the application fee.
After notifying the recipient, Child Care Aware of Minnesota will set up a voucher with the Council for Professional Recognition to cover $300 of the initial CDA application cost. The recipient will pay the difference. For renewals, the voucher will cover $75 of the CDA renewal application cost. The recipient will pay the difference. Applicants are limited to receiving funding for one Initial CDA and one renewal.
You may apply for a CDA Application and Training Reimbursement after you have received your CDA certificate.
A scholarship cannot be awarded to anyone who has utilized another grant for CDA application expenses or if the employer pays for application expenses as a benefit to staff.
CDA Application Fee and Training Reimbursement
The CDA Application Fee and Training Reimbursement is for anyone who has received a new CDA certificate within one year of the first day of the application round and meets eligibility requirements. Reimbursement is paid directly to the awardee.
The portion of the application fee paid by the awardee (either $125 or $425 for an initial CDA, or $50 or $125 for a renewal) will be reimbursed. Training costs are reimbursed at the rate of $5 per hour up to a maximum of $600 for an initial CDA and $225 for a renewal. Training that is more than 5 years old cannot be reimbursed. Applicants are limited to receiving funding for one Initial CDA and one renewal.
Reimbursement cannot be awarded to anyone who has utilized another grant for CDA expenses or if the employer pays for training and application expenses as a benefit to staff.
CDA Professional Development Specialist Stipend
CDA Professional Development Specialists (PD Specialists) work for the Council for Professional Recognition. They assess a CDA candidates’ competencies and facilitate reflective conversations with the candidates during an observation visit. The CDA Professional Development Specialist Stipend is a supplement to the honorarium that a PD Specialist receives from the Council for Professional Recognition upon completion of a CDA verification visit.
The $400 stipend per visit is limited to PD Specialists who have completed a verification visit for educators who completed the Minnesota Child Development Associate Learning Community (MNCDA) or the Minnesota Infant Toddler Child Development Associate Learning Community (MNITCDA), and/or educators who have received a CDA Application Fee Scholarship Award.
- Be ready to apply to the Council for Professional Recognition and have a YourCouncil Customer ID number.
- Hold a current Develop Individual Membership.
- Complete all training requirements set by the Council for Professional Recognition. Training required for a CDA must appear as verified on a Develop CDA Learning Record under the approved training section.
- Be employed or volunteer at a licensed or license-exempt early childhood program. The work setting must match the CDA type and be verified on a Develop Learning Record.
- A scholarship cannot be awarded to anyone who has utilized another grant for CDA application expenses or if the employer pays for application expenses as a benefit to staff.
Application and Award Process:
- Compile the supporting documents and information listed below:
- Your CDA Learning Record from Develop which must include:
- A current Develop Membership
- Required training for your CDA listed as “verified”
- Employment or volunteerism that is verified and includes Start Date and Age Group(s).
- Recent paystub or copy of your Family Child Care License (or a Volunteer Verification Form if a volunteer)
- For CDA renewals, a copy of your CDA Certificate
- Your ID Number from your YourCouncil account
- Your CDA Learning Record from Develop which must include:
- Apply online at any time by completing the CDA Application Fee Scholarship Application. (El formulario de beca de tarifa de solicitud de CDA también están disponibles en español).
Approved applications will be awarded on the 10th of the following month. Applicants are limited to receiving funding for one Initial CDA and one renewal.
View a recorded information session to learn more about applying for a CDA Award.
- Hold a current Develop Individual Membership.
- Complete all training requirements set by the Council for Professional Recognition. Training required for a CDA must appear as verified on a Develop CDA Learning Record under the approved training section.
- Receive an initial CDA or renewal certificate within one year of the beginning of the application round.
- Be employed or volunteer at a licensed or license-exempt early childhood program at the time the CDA was received. Employment must be verified on a Develop Learning Record.
- Reimbursement cannot be awarded to anyone who has utilized another grant for CDA expenses or if the employer pays for training and application expenses as a benefit to staff.
Application and Award Process:
- Compile the supporting documents and information listed below:
- Your CDA Learning Record from Develop which must include:
- A current Develop Membership
- Required training for your CDA listed as “verified”
- Employment or volunteerism that is verified and includes Start Date and Age Group(s).
- Recent paystub or copy of your Family Child Care License (or a Volunteer Verification Form if a volunteer)
- A copy of your new temporary or permanent CDA Certificate
- Your CDA Learning Record from Develop which must include:
- Apply online at any time by completing the CDA Application Fee and Training Reimbursement Application. (El formulario de reembolso de la tarifa de solicitud del Certificado de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil también están disponibles en español).
If approved, your application submission date will determine the date you will receive an award.
Application Date | Award Notification Date |
February 1 – April 30 | May 10 |
May 1 – July 31 | August 10 |
August 1 – October 31 | November 10 |
November 1 – January 31 | February 10 |
View a recorded information session to learn more about applying for the CDA Award.
- Hold a current Develop membership with a minimum Career Lattice Step of 9d. A step of 9d aligns with the minimum education requirements for a PD Specialist as set by the Council.
- Eligible observation visits must occur within 3 months of the start date of the current application round (see chart below).
Application and Award Process:
- Ask the CDA candidate you are working with to confirm that they completed an MNCDA or MNITCDA learning community, and/or have received a CDA Application Fee Scholarship
- Compile the supporting documents and information listed below:
- A copy of a current Career Lattice Step certificate or Learning Record from Develop that shows a Career Lattice Step of 9d or higher
- For each visit, a copy of the Verification Visit Result email that you received from the Council, which states that you have successfully submitted the Verification Visit Results and your honorarium is being processed
- For each visit, the child care program name and the license number if licensed
- Apply online at any time by completing the Professional Development Specialist Stipend Application
If approved, your application submission date will determine the date you will receive an award.
Application Date | Award Notification Date |
February 1 – April 30 | May 10 |
May 1 – July 31 | August 10 |
August 1 – October 31 | November 10 |
November 1 – January 31 | February 10 |
Applicants are limited to submitting one application per timeframe. Each application allows for documentation of two eligible observation visits.
Should I apply for a scholarship or a reimbursement?
If you have not yet applied to the Council for Professional Recognition for your initial CDA or your renewal, you should apply for a scholarship. After receiving your new CDA certificate, you should apply for reimbursement. You must meet all of the listed criteria for each award in order to apply.
Does my scholarship expire?
Yes, your voucher will expire 60 days from the date of notification.
How are the award results determined?
CDA scholarships and reimbursements are awarded based on eligibility, available funding, and a scoring system.
Where can I find the required 120 hours of training?
- Contact your local Child Care Aware of Minnesota office to learn about upcoming Minnesota Child Development Associate (MNCDA) and Minnesota Infant Toddler Child Development Associate (MNITCDA) cohort opportunities.
- Additional approved training can be found on Develop.
- Contact for questions regarding training you have already completed or for assistance developing a professional development plan to complete requirements.