Parent Aware Cohort Summary

As the Rating Team Manager, I coordinate the Parent Aware Rating review process. We review hundreds of examples documenting school readiness practices that programs all over the state are using every day. It is always exciting to see the creativity and passion of so many family child care providers and center-based programs.
The Full-Rating Pathway operates on two Cohort cycles each year, and we just wrapped up one of our Cohorts at the end of June. We had about 450 programs that participated in the Rating process. Some were newly participating, and some returned to renew their Rating, which is effective for two years.
In the January 2019 Cohort, we had 120 child care centers, 323 family child care programs, and 7 tribally licensed programs. This variety of program type allows for families to seek the care that best aligns with their needs. Ninety-five percent of those programs reached their Star-Level goal; over 200 programs sought and earned a Three- or Four-Star Rating, demonstrating a high level of professional development and training and the use of many best practices. Almost all of the remaining programs sought and earned a One- or Two-Star Rating, meaning they are incorporating some of the best practices that Minnesota has determined are important for children.
The work these programs did to earn these Ratings is no small feat, and I continue to be amazed at the commitment these programs show their families. We are now gearing up for our next Cohort and programs are meeting their Quality Coaches and Professional Development Advisors who work closely with them throughout the Rating process. These relationships are key to helping early educators support strong families and communities.