Family Child Care Task Force Report Released

After two years of hard work, the Minnesota Family Child Care Task Force has released their final report. This task force included family child care providers from both Greater Minnesota and the metro area, representatives from family child care associations, county licensors, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, the Children’s Cabinet, parents, legislators, other stakeholders, and Child Care Aware of Minnesota’s Executive Director, Ann McCully. The report contains many recommendations to address challenges identified with licensing, inspections, regulation, business supports, alternative child care delivery systems, training, and Parent Aware participation.
Legislation has already been introduced that responds to many of the task force’s recommendations. Other recommendations will require action by state agencies, counties, and organizations that support the child care system, such as Child Care Aware of Minnesota and First Children’s Finance.
Ann offered the following reflection about her time on the task force: “By bringing together so many voices that are connected to licensed family child care in Minnesota, we had an opportunity to wrestle with and come to a consensus about issues that will stabilize the field and help it move forward. The relationship-building that happens by working together on tough issues has been invaluable, and I was proud to be part of it.”