Empower to Educate is Launched

Our Professional Development department’s latest project, Empower to Educate, is launched and open for enrollment!
With funding from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Empower to Educate helps current and aspiring early childhood educators advance and sustain their career goals in child care. This workforce development program offers financial support, free training options, job skills training, job placement support, and connections to mentorship opportunities. Participants also receive ongoing support from a local Workforce Advisor.
Our program provides one-on-one, individualized support to each participant to ensure we’re meeting people where they are. Participants who are new to the field can find information on the different types of jobs available and how to begin a career in child care. Those with more experience can grow their career by learning about professional development, advocacy, and leadership opportunities available in their communities.
Navigating the system can be challenging. Empower to Educate seamlessly combines professional development with resources and community connections. Our team of Workforce Advisors helps find the options best options for each participant, including individual coursework, the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, and connections to college-level courses and T.E.A.C.H. scholarship opportunities.
We’re excited to make connections with Minnesotans across the state. There are many rewarding career paths and opportunities in child care, and we’re excited to introduce people to the field, set goals, and create action plans.
To learn more or get started, reach out to us at empowertoeducate@childcareawaremn.org!