Child Care Aware of Minnesota Launches New Mission, Values, and Vision

Child Care Aware of Minnesota is pleased to announce our new mission, values, and vision. Developed from a collaborative strategic planning process over the past year, these new statements more clearly express who we are and how we view our work.
Mission: We are a statewide early childhood leader driving change through partnerships to build an equitable, high-quality early care and education system that meets the needs of Minnesota’s families and children.
Values: We work with integrity, honor diverse ideas and approaches, and foster a culture of respect and trust. We are child-centered and equity-driven.
Practical Vision:
- Access to high-quality, responsive care for all children
- Expanded visibility of programs and support
- Equitably compensated workforce
- More informed and supported profession
- Creative recruitment and retention strategies
- Innovative, accessible technology
- Innovative early childhood leadership
- More intensive and inclusive relationships
- Responsive and equitable workplace culture
We invite you to join us in this journey as we actualize these statement in our activities in the coming years.